Saturday, August 8, 2009

What to do with all those Fall Mushrooms...

I love mushrooms; chantrelles, shitake, lobster, king botele are all popping up in our BC forests now. Their savory quality finds friends in veg-heads & meat lovers alike. The recipe below intensifies their flavour and adds a salty, meaty level to their taste. You can also make this with a batch of mushrooms that's getting old to preserve them. Get wild mushrooms delivered to your door with the wild chef's best friend, skookum harvest in BC...


Take any mushroom, the more complex the flavour the better - ie. shitake over 'moneys mushrooms', slice them up, toss them in olive oil and a good soy sauce, spread evenly across a baking sheet, put in middle of oven for 15 min or until the mushrooms sizzle and brown(don't dry them out completely though).

Now there are a billion things you can do...

1. Eggs with Parsley, goat cheese and mushrooms.
Poach some eggs or scramble them or whatever, chop parsley fine, throw everything in a bowl and eat with toast and butter.

2. Toss mushrooms in with fresh pasta, olive oil and a good parmesan. Simple and amazing.

3. Mix into scone or biscuit batter with some cheddar for a savoury delight.

4. Takes a spinach salad to another level.

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